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Space Buddies

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Group School Project 

Main UI Designer and Researcher

We are to apply design thinking methods and tools learned by creating sustainable and innovative solutions for real-life issues by a local user in need. My groupmates decided to tackle academic stress in teenagers. 


Problem statement: How can we help teenagers better manage academic stress?


Through quantitative and qualitative research on academic stress amongst students in Singapore, we gain a clear perspective and understanding of the users and their pain points, developing a persona then. We brainstormed ideas for solutions and derived the most effective one - Space Buddies.


Space Buddies is an all-in-one app that provides mental and academic support for teenagers. We chose a space theme as there are many similarities between space and knowledge. Just like space, knowledge is very big and mostly unknown to
teenagers. Some might be scared or lost, stuck in space (in their studies). Our app aims to help them through 4 main features the app offers - Forums, Online workshops, an E-buddy/Counsellor system, and Classroom booking.



Figma Prototype:

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