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Merapi Burger

Oh, you will lava it



Group School Project 

Copywriter, Photo/Video Editor, and Videographer 

We were tasked to roll out new national burgers for countries in Asia and create a campaign to promote the burger and celebrate the country's uniqueness. The country that my team members and I picked is Indonesia. 


From our research, we found out that Indonesians love eating spicy food. On top of that, they are widely known for their Indomie that's enjoyed by everyone of all ages across the world. Additionally, Indonesia is also known for its volcanoes which they greatly appreciate and treasure. We decided to create a spicy Indomie burger as Indonesia's national burger to challenge their spice tolerance level by incorporating it with their hot neighbours - volcanoes. We name the burger 'Merapi Burger' since Mount Merapi means "the mountain of fire" and parts of it are popular destinations for tourists.

Print Ad:

Print Ad.png


Packaging 1.jpg
Packaging 3.jpg
Packaging 2.jpg

Text on packaging: 


Looking for a new challenge?

The all new Merapi Burger, name after Mount Merapi here in bustling Indonesia. The “Mountain Of Fire” is no easy feat to conquer, with high altitudes of Indomie and spicy chicken to overcome. Remember, the burge is lava.

Text on packaging: 


Looking for a new challenge?

The all new Merapi Burger, name after Mount Merapi here in bustling Indonesia. The “Mountain Of Fire” is no easy feat to conquer, with high altitudes of Indomie and spicy chicken to overcome. Remember, the burge is lava.

IG Reel + Jingle

The jingle ends off with "Waduh, pedas bangat!", which translates to "Wow, so spicy!".

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