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Good Morning Towel



Individual School Project 

Illustrator and Packaging Designer


This project was to design packaging for a Singapore souvenir for tourists. The Good Morning Towel holds a lot of stories and nostalgic memories. Unfortunately, it does not have proper packaging and is usually packed in normal plastic bags. Hence, I decided to design the first ever Good Morning Towel packaging in Singapore for this assignment. 

At the front of the packaging, I portrayed the scene of a cleaning using the GMT to wipe/ clean the tables at a hawker center - since it's where the towel is commonly found. One side of the packaging is see-through. This will give customers a sneak peek of the towel, and they can also reuse the box as a display. Additionally, there are also patterns at the side of the box that correlates with a traditional and Asian theme. 

I kept the colours of the towel - red, blue, and white. I lowered the saturation to give off sophisticated and minimalist vibes. The san-serif typography used made the packaging look elegant and modern.

Packaging Design:


Flat Plan:

Screenshot 2022-12-29 at 5.14.58 PM.png

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